Monday, April 27, 2009

Blood Cemetery Tour

"Odd things I've Seen," a blog out of Nashua, recently posted a video-tour of Blood Cemetery on YouTube. (See related blog entry here.)

PS: I just saw that he twittered that this video was mentioned on Very cool!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nashua: Then & Now

While they don't (yet?) have a book about Hollis, Arcadia Publishing has some books about the history of towns in the region. I thought one in particular was quite interesting. Simply titled "Nashua", the book traces the history of our neighboring town. It has a series of "then and now" photos which are fun to peruse. Even better, their site offers a free google preview of the book.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Go Cavaliers!

I was in Clearwater Beach a few weeks ago and spotted this hotel. Just had to post it.