An update from Ryan about Mr. Chamberlin:
Just an FYI, Chambo is now the principal at Hopkinton Middle High School in Contoocook NH.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Stacy Maghakian
It looks like Stacy Maghakian is an Assistant Principal at theGriffin Memorial School in Litchfield...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
It's a girl!

We're delighted to announce the arrival of our beautiful new daughter, Simone Graciela Springborn Brannigan! Simone was born on Tuesday, September 13, at 5:54 AM - she weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 20 inches in length. She has dark blue eyes (though most babies tend to have blue eyes to start, so we'll see how they turn out), a fair amount of brown hair, and is generally a happy, healthy baby! Labor lasted just under 9 hours and went very smoothly, with no interventions - our midwife, doula, and labor nurse were a pleasure to work with.
We're slowly adjusting to the challenges of first-time parenthood

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Jen Araujo's Wedding

Jen Araujo tied the knot with Phil Johnson (ironically also my uncle's name)in July. A big CONGRATS to you both!!
(For more info, see archive post.)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Our High School/Now the Middle School
The Telegraph Online has an article about a renovation on the old high school building, now the middle school...apparently the school has been re-painted and an addition added.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Increase Your Hurricane Katrina Donations!
Planning on donating to help Hurricane Katrina victims? Make the most of your money with matching donations! Here are a couple I've come across:
*The Ellen DeGeneres Show & Warner Brothers will match your donation to the Red Cross! Up to $500,000 matched. Here's the spot.
*Lowe's will match any donations to the Red Cross up to $2 million made *in-store only*. See box at bottom of their home page.
*Until Sept. 30th, Best Buy will match any online or in-store donations to the Red Cross up to $1 million dollars.
*Sears/K-Mart will match in-store donations to the Red Cross up to $500,000.
*The McCormick Tribune will match $.50 of every $1 donated to it's fund of the first $2 million received.
*Join the Oxygen "Oh! Speakup!" Campaign (free sign-up) and Oxygen will donate $1 to the Texas Children's Hospital up to $10,000.
*Also, check to see if your employer matches any charitable donations!! An easy way for it to add up!
Don't forget our animal friends...Donate to the ASPCA!
For a pretty darn complete list of donations made by corporations, CNN is on it.
If you don't have money you can spare, a local Corpus Christie business called Coffee Cup is collecting "comfort items" for the estimated 250,000 people for whom Texas will be caring. You would simply have to ship items to them.
*The Ellen DeGeneres Show & Warner Brothers will match your donation to the Red Cross! Up to $500,000 matched. Here's the spot.
*Lowe's will match any donations to the Red Cross up to $2 million made *in-store only*. See box at bottom of their home page.
*Until Sept. 30th, Best Buy will match any online or in-store donations to the Red Cross up to $1 million dollars.
*Sears/K-Mart will match in-store donations to the Red Cross up to $500,000.
*The McCormick Tribune will match $.50 of every $1 donated to it's fund of the first $2 million received.
*Join the Oxygen "Oh! Speakup!" Campaign (free sign-up) and Oxygen will donate $1 to the Texas Children's Hospital up to $10,000.
*Also, check to see if your employer matches any charitable donations!! An easy way for it to add up!
Don't forget our animal friends...Donate to the ASPCA!
For a pretty darn complete list of donations made by corporations, CNN is on it.
If you don't have money you can spare, a local Corpus Christie business called Coffee Cup is collecting "comfort items" for the estimated 250,000 people for whom Texas will be caring. You would simply have to ship items to them.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Christine (Callahan) Blonda
Came across a photo entitled "Hang On, Rye" by Christine on This picture was submitted to the site's Summer 2005 Photo Contest.
Not sure if the subject is Christine's child or not...if anyone knows, submit in the comment area or e-mail me (
Not sure if the subject is Christine's child or not...if anyone knows, submit in the comment area or e-mail me (
HBHS track named after COACH
The HBHS Athletic Booster Club page has a scan of an article from the Hollis-Brookline Journal. The new track facility at HBHS was named in Coach's honor during a commemoration ceremony back in May.
Hollis/Brookline High School Faculty
Looking at the Hollis/Brookline High School Faculty page, you may note that Samantha McElroy Squires is now back at HBHS. But this time as an English teacher. And Mr. Richard Manley is now also a Vice Principal. Wow-ee! I must say, there is quite a large faculty there now! Not the same small school any more I guess.
Windows on Hollis - Town of Hollis, NH
Windows on Hollis - Town of Hollis, NH is a virtual museum run by the town. A rather nice site to remember the town by (especially for those of us who aren't in the area any more!).
Chris Ham
Thought I'd try a few names today. Chris Ham came up on the Hollis Fire Dept. Organization page. Or, should I say Captain?
And will someone confirm that Chambo is a lieutenant??
And will someone confirm that Chambo is a lieutenant??
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Cheap Gas
This post doesn't really have anything to do with HBHS, but I came across it and thought it could help you all. It's called Cheap Gas. Basically it combines GasBuddy and Google Maps to give you locations with cheap gas. The info is submitted by users on GasBuddy, so there is a margin of error.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Jonathan Cramer
I just came across Jon's thesis from 2000 entitled "Expressionism in Eugene O'Neill and Elme Rice." If you have some time, give it a read through. Jon has the gift for thatrical writing--I have read a couple of his plays and they were great!
CAVALIER BASEBALL: WELCOME Ryan Coulter is the Coach of the HBHS Baseball team... Check out this site for updates about how the team is doing under his direction!
Monday, August 01, 2005
David Goodchild
From over on the Yahoo board, here's some news from Mr. Goodchild:
April 9th my wife gave birth to triplets! I'll put photos up on a website somewhere when I get a chance between feedings for anybody who is interested. Our son, Owen Donald was born at 3 lbs 4 ounces. Daughter #1, Arden Marie, was 3 lbs 8 ounces, and daughter #2, Morgan Olivia, was 2 lbs 13 ounces. They all showed up for the party a bit early, but everybody is healthy. My yahoo address tends to bounce a lot, because I pretty much never check it. I can be reached at nest@..., or david.goodchild@... I'd love to stay in touch with all of you guys. I'm super dorky like that
Congratulations, Dave and Lynne! Glad to hear the babies are all happy and healthy. Three at once must be quite a handful! We hope to hear more about them (and see pictures!) in the future.
April 9th my wife gave birth to triplets! I'll put photos up on a website somewhere when I get a chance between feedings for anybody who is interested. Our son, Owen Donald was born at 3 lbs 4 ounces. Daughter #1, Arden Marie, was 3 lbs 8 ounces, and daughter #2, Morgan Olivia, was 2 lbs 13 ounces. They all showed up for the party a bit early, but everybody is healthy. My yahoo address tends to bounce a lot, because I pretty much never check it. I can be reached at nest@..., or david.goodchild@... I'd love to stay in touch with all of you guys. I'm super dorky like that
Congratulations, Dave and Lynne! Glad to hear the babies are all happy and healthy. Three at once must be quite a handful! We hope to hear more about them (and see pictures!) in the future.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Clancey Jackson Paul
Here's a photo of Clancey (and her husband??) from October 2002. I believe she is still living in Massachusetts and working as a social worker for kids.
Michelle Winchell
It looks like Michelle is out in San Francisco, dancing for the Company Mechanique...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Camden Mitchell
Speaking of people starting their own businesses, Cam and his brother own a company based out of Amherst that distributes office machines and supplies.
Russ Kellner
Looks like back in 2002 Russ and his fellow Sloan students won a Competition at AT Kearney. He's in the photo on the bottom of the Global Prize Photos page. I believe he is back in Hollis now with his wife.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Deb Gregg
Av told me about this a while back - Deb and her boyfriend started their own business making gourmet dog treats. Check it out - looks like they're doing quite well, and they have some yummy looking stuff- if you're a dog, that is.
Meghan Fuller
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Josh Feissner
Found a pic of Josh from the Bates College Alumni Council. I think it's a bit old...from '97.
Jessica Zall
On my Google-quest, I came across another of our classmates, Jessica Zall. Looks like Jessica has become a devoted marathon runner...7 already?!? Wow, that's terrific!!
Here is a profile Jessica filled out about herself in Feb '04. Check out the arm muscles! Again, I am impressed.
And here she is raising money to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Go Jessica!! Let's all support her and this great organisation!
Here is a profile Jessica filled out about herself in Feb '04. Check out the arm muscles! Again, I am impressed.
And here she is raising money to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Go Jessica!! Let's all support her and this great organisation!
American Study Geeks
You will all appreciate this from your beloved Hon. Dick Swett. (hint: it's from April 30, 1992)
Monday, July 11, 2005
Nietra Panagoulis
Maybe I am a bit bored today...but I am randomly google-ing names.
So I entered Nietra!
It seems she works for the Public Safety Project A*VISTA in Burlington, VT.
I happened to find a picture here (on page 2), although I am not sure how new or old it is!
Watch out the rest of you!!
So I entered Nietra!
It seems she works for the Public Safety Project A*VISTA in Burlington, VT.
I happened to find a picture here (on page 2), although I am not sure how new or old it is!
Watch out the rest of you!!
In Florida
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Jenn Araujo
Jim Brannigan came across this article in The Telegraph:
Jennifer Araujo/Philip Johnson
James and Carolyn Araujo of Hollis announced the engagement of their daughter Jennifer Ann Araujo of Burlington, Vt., to Philip Johnson of Vergennes, Vt. He is the son of Robert and Gay Johnson of Dalton, Mass.
Miss Araujo is a graduate of Hollis/Brookline High School and St. Michael's College, Colchester, Vt., where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in education. She is a kindergarten teacher at Mary Hogan Elementary School, Middlebury, Vt.
Mr. Johnson is a graduate of Wahconah High School, Dalton, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., where he earned a degree in industrial engineering. He is a customer quality engineer at Goodrich, Vergennes.
A July 16, 2005, wedding is planned.
Lyn actually mentioned this to me the other day--CONGRATS Jenn!! Someone will have to send some pix over!
Jennifer Araujo/Philip Johnson
James and Carolyn Araujo of Hollis announced the engagement of their daughter Jennifer Ann Araujo of Burlington, Vt., to Philip Johnson of Vergennes, Vt. He is the son of Robert and Gay Johnson of Dalton, Mass.
Miss Araujo is a graduate of Hollis/Brookline High School and St. Michael's College, Colchester, Vt., where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in education. She is a kindergarten teacher at Mary Hogan Elementary School, Middlebury, Vt.
Mr. Johnson is a graduate of Wahconah High School, Dalton, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., where he earned a degree in industrial engineering. He is a customer quality engineer at Goodrich, Vergennes.
A July 16, 2005, wedding is planned.
Lyn actually mentioned this to me the other day--CONGRATS Jenn!! Someone will have to send some pix over!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Tina Frankin-Dumont Update

Had a few updates now...
Tina was the first to reply with this lovely photo of her beautiful baby!! How cute!!
Here's what Tina herself has to say:
Hi, Gail!
I guess it has been a while... There has been a lot that has happened in our lives since the reunion! We now own our own house (or the small percentage of it that isn't mortgaged...) and bigger yet, we have a daughter! I've attached a photo of her from mid-May in one of her many Red Sox outfits (since she was born right after they won the World Series, we got quite a few of them as gifts). Her name is Emma. I took a long, 6 mo maternity leave and have been back in lab for about 2 months now. Hope to finish my thesis work by the end of next summer... I heard about your move to FL from Tamra when she came to visit back in September. I heard from her briefly after they moved to their new house, but that was several months ago. Got an email from Adrienne that she is now engaged. I think that's all the news I have from others.-- Tina
First off, CONGRATS TINA & RYAN! She is a cutie-pie! If anyone else has any recent (or old, for that matter!) photos they can send them over to me to post.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
I guess I should also add an update about me. I am no longer in NYC, but have moved down to the Sunshine State (that's Florida!). I've been here for about a year now. I moved just in time for the terrific hurricane season last year. Fortunately, I picked the Tampa/St Pete area, which wasn't really hit--yes, some heavy, heavy rain and strong wind, but nothing like south or north of here. We'll see what the next few months bring...
What else? Hmmm....I am living with my boyfriend Mike who I met on a cruise last year. Heh, who would think you could meet someone on a cruise? And I was with my family! I guess I figured that if he wasn't scared after seeing my drunk mother join the guitarist/singer onstage in front of a crowd, then he must be OK!
I am still working on beinghunted with exchange student Joerg from Junior Year. And I have a few ideas in the pipeline.
What else? Hmmm....I am living with my boyfriend Mike who I met on a cruise last year. Heh, who would think you could meet someone on a cruise? And I was with my family! I guess I figured that if he wasn't scared after seeing my drunk mother join the guitarist/singer onstage in front of a crowd, then he must be OK!
I am still working on beinghunted with exchange student Joerg from Junior Year. And I have a few ideas in the pipeline. > Hit Me Baby One More Time
Does anyone like Hit Me Baby One More Time as much as I do?? The songs bring me back to the "old" days. makes me think I am like one of those older people I hated when we were in high school who only listened to the music of their youth!! Luckily, I do enjoy, shall we say, modern music too. Anyway, tonight will be the finale. Let's hope they decide to film some more episodes!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Jim Brannigan Update
Jim, ever computer-saavy, found this blog before I even told ANYONE about it!! I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea or not...but I digress. If you'll notice, on the first post he gave a comment with updates. Here it is now:
Hi Gail - fabulous idea, hope this catches on! Maybe send an e-mail to the old hbhs1993 yahoo group? I’ve been really curious how everyone’s doing. Guess I'll be the first to try out the blog. Brief synopsis of the time since the reunion: we’ve been hard at work tweaking and remodeling our house. My parents moved out here to WA in June 2004 – they’re really enjoying it and it’s been nice having them close. I’m back in the technology field, doing software testing – a big step up careerwise. And last but certainly not least, we’re expecting our first child in September – the 8th to be exact. We’re super excited and we can’t wait – time has already gone so fast! I’ll keep checking back here and updating my website regularly. Hope all’s going well with you. Take care! Jim
CONGRATS JIM & GLADYS!! That's great!
If anyone else has something to add, you can comment or send me an e-mail ( and I'll add it...or of course, just use the Yahoo Group.
Hi Gail - fabulous idea, hope this catches on! Maybe send an e-mail to the old hbhs1993 yahoo group? I’ve been really curious how everyone’s doing. Guess I'll be the first to try out the blog. Brief synopsis of the time since the reunion: we’ve been hard at work tweaking and remodeling our house. My parents moved out here to WA in June 2004 – they’re really enjoying it and it’s been nice having them close. I’m back in the technology field, doing software testing – a big step up careerwise. And last but certainly not least, we’re expecting our first child in September – the 8th to be exact. We’re super excited and we can’t wait – time has already gone so fast! I’ll keep checking back here and updating my website regularly. Hope all’s going well with you. Take care! Jim
CONGRATS JIM & GLADYS!! That's great!
If anyone else has something to add, you can comment or send me an e-mail ( and I'll add it...or of course, just use the Yahoo Group.
Lyn -- Back in the USofA!
Yes, that's correct folks. Lyn Baranowski has returned to the States after her 2 year tenure in Basel, Switzerland. She has landed in the New York area--in Jersey City. She continues to work for Novartis, where she was working in the EU.
Her big news is that she is in the process of buying a new apartment, a lovely 1-bedroom. Yes, this may sound small to you suburbanites, but in the metropolitan area, space is a commodity, and this looks to be a terrific purchase.
Photos are spread out in the next posts (sorry, this is the easiest and prettiest way to show them...) but this isn't Lyn's stuff, as these are the realtor pix. (Nice views outside, huh?)
Her big news is that she is in the process of buying a new apartment, a lovely 1-bedroom. Yes, this may sound small to you suburbanites, but in the metropolitan area, space is a commodity, and this looks to be a terrific purchase.
Photos are spread out in the next posts (sorry, this is the easiest and prettiest way to show them...) but this isn't Lyn's stuff, as these are the realtor pix. (Nice views outside, huh?)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
The Telegraph Online
The Telegraph Online has a short article about the Strawberry Festival. I guess it's this weekend...makes me a tab nostalgic, I must admit!!
Monday, May 16, 2005
I'm back...
...been a while folks. Thought this could be a cool way to let everyone know what is going on... We'll see how it works!
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