Had a few updates now...
Tina was the first to reply with this lovely photo of her beautiful baby!! How cute!!
Here's what Tina herself has to say:
Hi, Gail!
I guess it has been a while... There has been a lot that has happened in our lives since the reunion! We now own our own house (or the small percentage of it that isn't mortgaged...) and bigger yet, we have a daughter! I've attached a photo of her from mid-May in one of her many Red Sox outfits (since she was born right after they won the World Series, we got quite a few of them as gifts). Her name is Emma. I took a long, 6 mo maternity leave and have been back in lab for about 2 months now. Hope to finish my thesis work by the end of next summer... I heard about your move to FL from Tamra when she came to visit back in September. I heard from her briefly after they moved to their new house, but that was several months ago. Got an email from Adrienne that she is now engaged. I think that's all the news I have from others.-- Tina
First off, CONGRATS TINA & RYAN! She is a cutie-pie! If anyone else has any recent (or old, for that matter!) photos they can send them over to me to post.
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