I don't know why I never thought to check out this website I had heard of called Rate My Teachers. Well, it has certainly brought a smile to my face today!
Here are some ratings for names you might recognize (and some select comments...):
*Mr. Ferland
*Mr. Fox
*Mr. Kittredge: "I loved the dissections"
*Mr. Manley: "unsupportive, biased and intimidating"
*Mr. Maynard
*Mrs. Melanson: "strange way of teaching"
*Mr. Neller
*Mr. Tulloch: "my favorite person in the universe"
*Mrs. Wheeler: "a bit eccentric"
Oh yeah, there are some from HBJHS:
*Happy Beale: wasn't she the librarian before??
*Mr. Bond
*Ms. Botcher: "she is not very nice"
*Mrs. Cicciu: "she loses her temper easily"
*Mrs. Grupposo
*Mr. Lyle: "terrible"
*Mrs. Mezzocchi: "very clear and very helpful"
*Madame Rankins
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