Saturday, September 22, 2007

More Wikipedia

I just came across the HBHS page on Wikipedia. The write-up is quite long and complete. However, it appears that some one more, shall I say, recent has written the profile of the school. Maybe one of us should add some info and "trivia"...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sad News

Sam McElroy sent me this message a few weeks ago (Sorry, I don't check my yahoo mail often enough!):
"I'm sorry to bring you bad news, but thought it important to get the word out. We had a faculty meeting at HBHS yesterday morning and I learned that Carol Dochstader has terminal cancer. Her doctor has given her three months to live. She's currently living in Texas and is welcoming letters, cards, inspirational readings, prayers, etc. I know I sought and valued her guidance during high school and plan to send her a letter and thought others from our class might do so. Her address is: Carol Dochstader..."

Please feel free to e-mail me for the complete address.

Thanks for the update Sam. Our thoughts will definitely go out to Carol.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The New York Times Arts Slide Show Workspace: Donald Hall

As I was just perusing the New York Times website, I saw that our nation's current poet laureate Donald Hall lives in New Hampshire. On the site, they have a slide show entitled, Workspace: Donald Hall, showing his home and, yes, workspace. There is also a related article about the place.

Thursday, July 12, 2007 Cavaliers win first Class I title

Ryan Coulter just sent through the great news: Cavaliers win first Class I title. Awesome job, Ryan, leading the team to such an outstanding victory!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Jonathan James Cramer on Wikipedia

It's true! One of "our own" has made it to Wikipedia. Jonathan Cramer has his very own page on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia. Go Jon! I didn't realize he was so darned prolific. (And no, I did not start entering people's names into Wikipedia, but maybe I should!)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Chris Oliver: Sculptor

Belated congrats to Chris Oliver for winning the 2005 Outstanding Student Achievement in Comtemporary Sculpture Award from the International Sculpture Center (the publisher of "Scupture" Magazine). This is his award-winning piece above, titled "Accretion with Carport".

His artist's statement reads: "My work is about the creation, evolution, and perception of built places. The way that build­ings grovel and decay is my primary source material. Inspired by vernacular carpentry, I create spatial networks that grow from a cen­tral core. Each structure is sheathed with a translucent skin of wood. This work must be explored like a vast attic that is too con­densed to physically enter: one stands on tiptoe to peer over it or crouches to see under it, attempting to make sense of a space that suggests a roofscape or the interior of a machine."

Chris earned his MFA in Sculpture from SUNY-Albany in 2005. Go Chris!

Casey Ashton Hamilton

Looks like Casey Ashton Hamilton is still teaching 1st grade in Newfields, NH at Newfields Elementary. Can you see her in the picture?

Welcome Danielle Leighann!

A warm welcome to Danielle Leighann Babcack (AKA Dani), daughter of Adrienne Gross Babcock and her husband. Dani arrived on April 4, 2007, at 6:07 AM. She weighed 9 pounds 4 oz and was 22.5” long.

From Adrienne: "A little over a month has passed, and Dani is doing very well. She changes daily and is just so much fun to watch. She is now closer to 11 pounds and growing fast!" (Sorry, Adrienne did send this back on May 10th and I just haven't checked my Yahoo account...)

Adrienne has posted more pictures on her Picasa site:
*weeks 1 to 3 here
*week 4
*week 5
*week 7

Congrats to the whole family on the newest addition!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

HBS Portrait Project

When graduating from Havard Business School in 2003, Lyn Baranowski was asked to participate in their Portrait Project. Read her self portrait here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Still searching...

...for updates on some of our classmates.
Found a few tidbits on Stacy Kukura this morning. As Jim had found before, it appears that Stacy and her husband David were expecting last October. Congrats! It looks like they have settled in the Chicago area.
This photo was from a golf tournament (obviously) back in 2002:

That's David on the right, I presume.
All the other bits I found were a bit dated, but interesting nonetheless! Looks like Stacy was working at BankOne as the Vice President of Global Treasury Services back in 2004. There is a copy of a presentation she gave while in that capacity HERE. Stacy, if you're out there, we'd love to see your little one!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Climb Every Mountain

It seems that at least one of our classmates has taken this idea to heart.
Yes, that's Margaret Wheeler from the Pro Guiding website where she works as a ski mountaineering and rock climbing guide. Wow! Cool! It says on the site that "Margaret is one of two women in the US who is a UIAGM certified mountain guide." You go!
It looks like Margaret gave an apparel review in '06 for Backcountry Magazine. Go HERE for the profile and interview (and another recent pic).

(PS: Marge, if you read this, I own a disco ball too!!)

Friday, April 27, 2007


Found a local real estate agent, Rudy Mayer, who is quite adept at digital video techniques. Check out two of his tours of the town of Hollis.

New Blog Feature

Attention: New feature added. LABELS. Yes, nice, huh? Now, you can search for posts on specific people or subjects by looking at the list of labels on the lower right of the page. Enjoy!
(And if you can't find yourself, well, send me some updates at!!)

Meghan: Moving on Up

I'm not sure what her last post was, but Meghan Fuller is now a Senior Editor over at Lightwave, a "publication serving fiber-optic communications technology and applications worldwide." Looks like Meghan also made her debut in the world of podcasts last June in an interview with a PR firm. Go here to download the podcast!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'll Bet You Didn't Think This Would Happen

That Chris Loveland is now a professional poker player!

Yes, it sounds crazy but it's true. Thanks to Dave Goodchild, we have all just discovered this tidbit. Chris was taped for broadcast on the Travel Channel's show "World Poker Tour" for his high placement during the Festa Al Lago tournament. Go HERE on their site for air times.
Congrats to Mr. Loveland on his success to date. Chris, we'd love to hear what it's like to be a professional poker player!!

Here are a few Chris links of interest:
*The World Poker Tour Chris Loveland page
*The Henden Mob Chris Loveland page
*Bellagio Hotel's Festa Al Lago Event

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I came across a cool function on, the Yahoo-run photo hosting site. It's called geo-tagging. Users upload their pictures and then tag them with the spot the photo was taken. Rather cool! Here's the Hollis geo-tagged page.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

From Baseball Fan to Baseball Entrepeneur

Ryan Coulter has sent a message in:

"I have turned my love and passion for baseball into a business. In January of 2007 I opened Extra Innings training facility in Nashua. You can find more info at This will also be my 9th year as the varsity baseball coach at HBHS. Alumni can keep up to date with the cavs at Hope all is well."

Go Ryan!! So cool to hear that you found a way to merge your business life with your personal one! Keep us updated if you have any special events going on.

Has anyone else managed to turn their passion into a career? Let me know!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Update from Adrienne

Adrienne (Gross) Babcock sends greetings and a photo:

"Well, it appears that Jim found me on the Babies R Us site. How’s that for the power of the Internet?? I am due around April 19th with a little girl. We are very, very excited as are her two older brothers, Shaun and Dylan (ages 7 and 5).

I am still working from home as an AVP for Countrywide Home Loans. I design statement layouts and write/edit borrower communications. Telecommuting is the best! Great schedule flexibility to make it to events for the little guys.

It looks like I will get to see Clancey in April when she comes out to visit family – I will try to send pictures. So many things too look forward to this spring!

Attached is the most recent 3-D ultrasound pic I have of our little one at about 30 weeks…technology is such a cool thing."

Thanks for the update Adrienne--and congrats to you on your new joy!!

Vintage Pictures

So, I've been in the process of digitizing all my old 35mm film. (I brought it to Target and they'll scan the negatives and give you a disk.) In short, this has brought back some great, and funny, memories. I've added some of the shots to the Yahoo Groups photo area. If you have any more you'd like to add, please do!! (Don't fret--only group members can view the photos.)
One warning: damn, we were really 80's!

Click here to join hollisbrookline1993
Click to join hollisbrookline1993

Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Look

Blogger has recently made it much easier to update the style of one's blog, so I decided to clean this up a bit. I hope you like it better!
If anyone has links or news, send it on through:!

All About Me

I thought I'd put a (sort-of) recent photo of me and my significant other, Mike. It seemed like we hadn't had enough new pictures on the blog. This one is from a visit last October to the nearby Sunken Gardens in St. Pete, FL. Maybe all of you in the cold will now want to come visit Sunny Florida!!

MySpace Strikes Again!

The linkage of MySpace has brought our former classmate Kristie Courtemanche (now Cardullo) to our pages. Here's an update:
"I am a Property Manager in Nashua for Deb Gregg's dad. Small world huh? I have been married since 09/29/00 and we own a home in Nashua. I attended USM in Portland Maine and lived up there for a bit. I was bored and away from my family so I moved to Mass. for a bit and then back to NH. I have been here ever since. I see Chris Carney, Nate Neveu and Forrest from time to time. I just ran into Butch Valley and his newborn baby last night at Target. How is that for a small world?...I will get back to you with pics."
It is great to hear from you Kristie! We hope you do send some pix. Interestingly, Kristie is one of the most asked about people. For some reason, it seems like so many people ask me, "Gail, have you heard from Kristie?" Now I can say YES!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rate the Teachers

I don't know why I never thought to check out this website I had heard of called Rate My Teachers. Well, it has certainly brought a smile to my face today!
Here are some ratings for names you might recognize (and some select comments...):
*Mr. Ferland
*Mr. Fox
*Mr. Kittredge: "I loved the dissections"
*Mr. Manley: "unsupportive, biased and intimidating"
*Mr. Maynard
*Mrs. Melanson: "strange way of teaching"
*Mr. Neller
*Mr. Tulloch: "my favorite person in the universe"
*Mrs. Wheeler: "a bit eccentric"

Oh yeah, there are some from HBJHS:
*Happy Beale: wasn't she the librarian before??
*Mr. Bond
*Ms. Botcher: "she is not very nice"
*Mrs. Cicciu: "she loses her temper easily"
*Mrs. Grupposo
*Mr. Lyle: "terrible"
*Mrs. Mezzocchi: "very clear and very helpful"
*Madame Rankins

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lost, then Found: Scott Kelley

I have found Scott Kelley again! I had noticed that his e-mail was bouncing on the HBHS '93 yahoo group. Did a little search today and it looks like we have another graduate student in our mix. Check it out HERE. Seems that Scott is attending MIT grad school for Real Estate. Go Scott!

PS--Scott, if you're out there, send me an e-mail to add you back to the HBHS93 group!