Thursday, November 30, 2006

Baby watch

Things have been a little slow on the blog of late (as they have been at work for me). So I thought I'd put some old classmates' names in the Babies-R-Us registry finder and see what came up (sounds strange, I know, but it's not *so* different from Googling people, is it?) All it shows is the names and due dates - if anybody has any info (or maybe even some pictures!) please share! Here's what I found:

Babies already born:
Betsy (Eisen) & Mark Porada, July 2005
Dave & Kim Yager, January 2006
Clancey (Jackson) & Jon Paul, July 2006
Stacy (Kukura) & David Wyent, October 2006

Babies on the way:
Jennifer (Brown) & Erik Jernberg, March 2007
Adrienne (Gross) & Rob Babcock, April 2007
Brian & Tia Bartis, April 2007

Things are great on our end - we're digging out from a snowstorm (four inches - the Seattle area grinds to a halt with this much snow; back in New England we can handle four inches in our sleep!). I've started a side business on eBay buying and selling classical music recordings, and Simone is now 14 months old! She can talk up a storm (she knows about 40 words), and while she's still primarily a crawler, she's taken a few steps here and there. Mostly, she's just a happy, active little girl! Here's a pic from October:

Hope everyone out there is doing well and having a wonderful holiday season. Take care!,


Gail said...

Go Jim!! Great finds.

I'll hopefully be able to add some pix soon. And these will be oldies! (I've been converting my film to jpeg format.)

Gail said...

And of course---she's so cute!!

jim said...

Thanks, Gail! I happen to agree (not that I'm biased...)

I should go put some pics up on the yahoo group - no one's posted anything there in over 3 months!

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