Thursday, November 30, 2006

Baby watch

Things have been a little slow on the blog of late (as they have been at work for me). So I thought I'd put some old classmates' names in the Babies-R-Us registry finder and see what came up (sounds strange, I know, but it's not *so* different from Googling people, is it?) All it shows is the names and due dates - if anybody has any info (or maybe even some pictures!) please share! Here's what I found:

Babies already born:
Betsy (Eisen) & Mark Porada, July 2005
Dave & Kim Yager, January 2006
Clancey (Jackson) & Jon Paul, July 2006
Stacy (Kukura) & David Wyent, October 2006

Babies on the way:
Jennifer (Brown) & Erik Jernberg, March 2007
Adrienne (Gross) & Rob Babcock, April 2007
Brian & Tia Bartis, April 2007

Things are great on our end - we're digging out from a snowstorm (four inches - the Seattle area grinds to a halt with this much snow; back in New England we can handle four inches in our sleep!). I've started a side business on eBay buying and selling classical music recordings, and Simone is now 14 months old! She can talk up a storm (she knows about 40 words), and while she's still primarily a crawler, she's taken a few steps here and there. Mostly, she's just a happy, active little girl! Here's a pic from October:

Hope everyone out there is doing well and having a wonderful holiday season. Take care!,