Saturday, September 22, 2007

More Wikipedia

I just came across the HBHS page on Wikipedia. The write-up is quite long and complete. However, it appears that some one more, shall I say, recent has written the profile of the school. Maybe one of us should add some info and "trivia"...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sad News

Sam McElroy sent me this message a few weeks ago (Sorry, I don't check my yahoo mail often enough!):
"I'm sorry to bring you bad news, but thought it important to get the word out. We had a faculty meeting at HBHS yesterday morning and I learned that Carol Dochstader has terminal cancer. Her doctor has given her three months to live. She's currently living in Texas and is welcoming letters, cards, inspirational readings, prayers, etc. I know I sought and valued her guidance during high school and plan to send her a letter and thought others from our class might do so. Her address is: Carol Dochstader..."

Please feel free to e-mail me for the complete address.

Thanks for the update Sam. Our thoughts will definitely go out to Carol.